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Gallery - Military Aircraft: Bombers: Historic

Aircraft are arranged alphabetically by manufacturer.

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Avro Vulcan:

A beautiful portrait of an Avro Vulcan (RAF) A British Avro Vulcan in flight during Air Fete'88, a NATO aircraft display hosted by the 513th Airborne Command and Control Wing of the US Air Force. (DoD)

Boeing B-47 Stratojet:

A Boeing B-47 Stratojet in flight A Boeing RB-47E Stratojet in flight. (USAF) Pictured here is the first A model of Boeing's B-47A Stratojet. (USAF)

Convair B-36 Peacemaker:

The one and only prototype of the Convair B-36 Peacemaker, the XB-36. (USAF) A Convair B-36A Peacemaker in flight. (USAF)

Convair B-58 Hustler:

A Convair B-58 Hustler in flight. (USAF) A Convair B-58C Huslter in flight (USAF(

Douglas A-3 Skywarrior:

Two Douglas EA-3B Skywarrior aircraft from Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron 2 (VQ-2) fly past Gibraltar. (DoD) A Douglas A-3B Skywarrior from Heavy Attack Squadron 4 (VAH-4). A Douglas EA-3B Skywarrior of Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron 2 (VQ-2) from the USS America, flies over the Gulf of Sidra off the coast of Libya.

A Douglas A3D-2 Skywarrior from the US Navy's Heavy Attack Squadron 1 (VAH-1). A Douglas AD3-2P Skywarrior from Photographic Composite Squadron 61 (VCP-61) over Southern California.

Douglas B-66 Destroyer:

A Douglas B-66 Destroyer in flight. (USAF) Pictured here is an RB-66A Destroyer reconnaissance variant of the bomber. (USAF)

English Electric Canberra:

A beautiful shot of an RAF Canberra PR 9 (Crown Copyright) A Royal Australian Air Force Canberra in flight. (RAAF)

General Dynamics (Lockheed Martin) F-111 Aardvark:

A General Dynamics (Lockheed Martin) F-111 Aardvark as seen in 1974. Although retired with the USAF, the F-111 still serves with the Royal Australian Air Force. (USAF) A General Dynamics F-111 assigned to the 48th Tactical Fighter Wing of the US Air Force before retirement. (DoD) A US Air Force F-111  during a refuelling mission over the North Sea. (DoD)

An F-111F from the US Air Force's 495th Tactical Fighter Squadron operating out of Moron Air Base, Spain, during exercise Open Gate '89. (USAF/Staff Sgt David Nolan) Royal Australian Air Force F-111s fly toward Nellis AFB, Nevada, USA, On 14 February 2006, after a refuelling exercise during Red Flag 06. (DoD) A Royal Australian Air Force F-111 flying from Nellis Air Force Base in the USA during Exercise Red Flag 2006. (USAF/Master Sergeant Kevin J Gruenwald)

A Royal Australian Air Force F-111 north of Queensland's Fraser Island on 18 August 2008. (RAAF) An Amberley based F-111 from the Royal Australian Air Force's No 6 Squadron performing for the Nikon Indy 300 race at Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, on 24 October 2008. (RAAF) An F-111A from teh US Air Force's 431st Test and Evaluation Squadron over Lake Mead on 17 June 1988. (USAF/Ken Hackman)

A Royal Australian Air Force F-111 performs a 'dump and burn' demonstration at the Williamtown Air Show on 18 September 2010. (RAAF) A Royal Australian Air Force General Dynamics F-111 performs the last dump and burn in history on the final day of F-111 flying before the type's retirement from the Australian Air Force on 3 December 2010. (RAAF) A Royal Australian Air Force F-111 from 6 Squadron flies over Surfers Paradise during the Nikon Indy 300 in Queensland on 26 October 2008. (Australian MoD/Sgt RB Mitchell)

Handley-Page Victor:

Handley-Page Victor showing its underside (RAF(

Martin B-57 Canberra:

Martin B-57A Canberra in flight. (U.S. Air Force photo) Martin B-57A Canberra, the U.S. Air Force version of the British Canberra in a trial flight over the new Chesapeake Bay Bridge in 1953. (U.S. Air Force photo) Martin B-57E towing a cloth target banner. The B-57E was a target tug variant of the B-57. (USAF)

North American B-45 Tornado:

A North American B-45 Tornado in flight. This pioneering aircraft was the first four-jet bomber to enter service. (USAF) A North American B-45C Tornado in flight. The C model was an improved version of the troubled A model. (USAF) A North American JRB-45C in flight on July 22, 1952. (USAF)

B-45C (serial 48-001) in flight. (USAF)

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